Want to be a Spectator and Watch QUAD RACES?
Spectators are FREE!
Ready to Enter a Quad, Side by Side, RZR, Maverick or other UTV?
Or... ready to Enter a Pit Bike or Trike?
Click here to Enter Quadzilla! Quad Races
or go directly to TicketTailor to Enter a Quad, Side x Side, Pit Bike or Trike .
FREE to watch; FREE to park!
Quadzilla (green or burgundy) and Quad Races (gray) T-shirts will be sold on-site,
along with ball caps, clanging bells, etc.

Cost: $60 to enter, including 'day of' entries. PeeWees are $50 to enter, and will run first. Entry fee includes all 4 events, and a FREE Quadzilla or Quad Races T-shirt! And... an "I Survived Quadzilla Quad Races" ribbon!
Entrants will receive a Quad Race ticket voucher. Sign in day of at the Bamert Stand booth, receive your ribbon, and receive a special voucher to pick up your FREE t-shirt at the red/white/blue T-shirt booth at the event.
Why should you PRE-ENTER?
All pre-entry names will be placed in a raffle, and the winner will get a FREE Quadzilla Quad Race entry!
Yes, you can enter the 'day of', but you won't be eligible for a FREE Entry at the next race!
Gold Medallion & Ribbon to HIGH POINT CHAMPIONS! Silver Medallion & Ribbon to RESERVE HIGH POINT CHAMPIONS.
4 EVENTS: Cloverleaf Barrel Race, Two Stakes Race, Ribbon Race and
Drag Racing (tournament style, last man standing, two at a time)
DIVISIONS: PeeWee (7 and under), Junior (8-15 years old), Open, and Senior (55+)
(PeeWees run all 4 events at start of Quadzilla!.)
6 CATEGORIES: Ranch Quad; Sport/Modified Quad; Ranch Side by Side; Sport/Modified Side x Side (RZR/Maverick style) or other UTV; and the 2 new categories... Pit Bike (125 cc or less); Trike!.
1) Pay for your entry using the on-line link above (or pay cash if you walk them in).
2) Download the Entry Form & Waiver.
3) Complete and sign the entry form & waiver, and return it to us via email (ClementsBuckaroos@Yahoo.com) or walk it in.
When payment is completed, and your Entry Form & Waiver are received, you are officially entered! If paying on-line, you will receive a 'You Are Entered' Ticket Voucher and Invoice via email. This is your proof of payment and is also used to pick up your free t-shirt at the event. Click here to see the t-shirts.
Issues with this process? Email ClementsBuckaroos@Yahoo.com and we will help you!
Two Stakes Race - Race through the timers. Weave around 2 poles in the arena, starting on either side of the first pole. Navigate around the first pole, weave the pole, go around the end pole, weave the pole back, and race back through the timers. There is no wrong way, as long as you weave the poles. Riders will run the event one at a time against an electronic timer. Time starts when you cross the timer line, and stops after you return across the timer line. Winners based on times.
Ribbon Race - Race through the timers. The object is to grab 3 ribbons (a red, a white and a blue ribbon) from 3 poles set up around the arena. Navigate in any direction or manner desired to get the ribbons! Each pole looks like a capital T, with a ribbon hanging from each side. You may grab the ribbon from either side of each pole. One pole has red ribbons, one pole has white ribbons, and one pole has blue ribbons. Race back across the finish line between the timers with a red, a white, and a blue ribbon. You must return with the three colors of ribbons to get a time. Riders will run the event one at a time against an electronic timer. Time starts and stops when you cross the timer line. Winners based on times.
Cloverleaf Barrel Race - Race through the timers. Navigate around 3 barrels in a cloverleaf pattern. Option 1: Run one right turn, then two left turns around the barrels. Option 2: Run one left turn, then two right turns around the barrels. Riders will run the event one at a time against an electronic timer. Time starts and stops when you cross the timer line. Winners based on times.
Drag Race - Straight line sprint 150' across the finish line at the other end of the arena. Two riders compete at a time from a standstill behind the timing line. Losing rider is out. Winning rider moves on to compete in the next heat, and continues to run heats until either losing or the race is over. This is a tournament style, last man standing type event. Two false starts in a heat will result in disqualification. Drag race winners will be determined by the first rider to cross the finish line in each heat. Judges will be placed at the Drag race finish line to determine winners. Videos may be used to determine winners of each Drag race.
Event order is as shown above, with Drag race last. Rider order will be determined and either posted or announced the day of the show.
PeeWees will run separately, and run all 4 events first at 1 pm. PeeWee events will be shorter than the 'regular' events. PeeWees may have one or more coaches present in the arena while they ride to provide verbal support and ensure they run each event correctly.
Riders must compete in all events to be eligible for the Champion and Reserve Champion High Point awards. Awards will be given out regardless of number of competitors.
10 seconds will be added per downed obstacle.
Hitting a timer, hitting an arena worker, or overturning your quad while on course will result in disqualification from that event. However, you will still be in contention for High Point awards based on your points from the other events.
Camping is available for a fee. Competitors wishing to camp can haul in Friday, and stay to Sunday, if desired. Dry camping space is plentiful at $15 night or $25 weekend. Limited 30 amp water/electrical RV hook-ups are available with a reservation at $25 night or $50 for the weekend The main restrooms on the hillside have showers, and the porta-potties outside the arena front and back are available.
Questions? Email us at ClementsBuckaroos@Yahoo.com
1. Quad races will take place inside the main Clements Stampede Rodeo Arena (dirt) at 19813 E. Hwy 88, Clements, CA 95227, at the bottom of the hill. The smaller warm-up arena will be available for contestants to warm up their ATV/UTV/bike prior to the start of racing. Please be respectful of others warming up. The water truck may be used to keep the dust down between age divisions or categories.
2. Gates (both front and back) open at 10:30 am. Check-in starts at 11 am until 12:30 pm at the Bamert Stand building outside the warm-up arena (parking lot side).
3. There is plenty of parking for rigs. Contestant rigs may enter the facility through the top (Hwy 88) or bottom (Mehrtens Rd) gates.Entrant rigs are encouraged to park in the main parking area at the bottom of the hill outside the warm-up arena, or park in the back behind the main arena. Parking is also available at the top of the bill, but spectators may also be parking there.
4. Anyone parking in the main parking area outside the warm-up arena must face vehicles with trailers/rigs towards or away from the arena. No parking sideways.
5. Hook-ups are limited, first come, first serve. Hook-ups are $25 per day.
6. Email queries prior to the date of event to ClementsBuckaroos@Yahoo.com. 'Day of' queries will be addressed on-site, or via email after the event.
7. There will be plenty of delicious, fresh cooked food and drinks available for purchase from our food vendor at the cook shack, Beer and wine (not for entrants) will be available for spectators at the cook shack.
8. Main restrooms are on the hillside, or porta-potties just outside the warm-up arena.
9. The event will start promptly at 1 pm. Remember, spectators may arrive early.
1. Riders under the age of 18 years must have their entry form and waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.
2. All riders must wear helmets. Additional body armor is recommended, but not required.
3. Rider Categories (Ranch Stock Quad, Sport/Modified Quad, Ranch Side x Side, Sport/Modified Side x Side, Pit Bike, Trike) may be adjusted for individual riders based on the rider's specific ATV/UTV/bike specifications/attributes. The rider would be notified if/when this occurs either before the event starts or during the first event.
4. An order of run will be provided day of show, and upcoming riders will be announced throughout. Riders need to be at the gate and ready to ride when called. If not, a 20 second call will be given. Failure to be ready to ride by the end of the 20 seconds will result in disqualification from that event.
5. Riders are expected to display good sportsmanship. Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disqualification from an event.
6. Riders shall not consume any alcoholic beverages prior to or during competition hours. Riders believed to be intoxicated or otherwise 'under the influence' will be disqualified from all events on this date.
7. Points will be accumulated to 10th place in each event/category/division. 1st place will receive 11 points, 2nd place = 9 points, 3rd place = 8 points, 4th place = 7 points, 5th place = 6 points, 6th place = 5 points, 7th place = 4 points, 8th place = 3 points, 9th place = 2 points, 10th place = 1 point. Quad Race custom medallion and custom ribbon will be awarded to the High Point All Around Champion in each of 6 categories/divisions at the end of the event, with silver custom medallion and custom ribbon to Reserve High Point. High Point ties will be decided by a Drag race run-off, with both competitors running the Drag race at the same time, winner takes the prize.
8. Quadzilla! is a fundraiser for the Clements Buckaroos, Inc. organization. This is intended to be a show where everyone can bring their quads, side by sides and RZRs, pit bikes and trikes for a day of fun and competition for the High Point Champion and Reserve High Point Champion awards. With your support, we are hoping to make this at least a yearly show. |